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Comacchio GEO205 (5 Rigs) & GEO305 (2 Rigs)


The Comacchio GEO 205 is a compact multi-purpose hydraulic rig, capable of drilling using rotary augers (solid or hollow stem), rotary drilling through rock (open hole or coring), rotary percussive drilling (using various Overburden Drilling Systems) and window/dynamic sampling.  The GEO305 is a larger model providing the capacity for deeper and larger diameter drilling.

The most common drilling technique used is dynamic sampling with either hollow stem augers or rotary casing . This combination of techniques allows rapid, high quality soil sampling with the capacity to case the borehole as sampling proceeds.  Monitoring or remedial wells can then be installed through the centre of the hollow stem or within the casing.

If penetration of bedrock is required, these rig can also perform open hole rotary drilling and rotary coring (conventional or wireline systems such as Geobor S) as a follow-on or stand-alone technique. Our ODS cased rotary percussive systems can also be used to advance boreholes through dense, compacted granular overburden deposits.

On reaching the target depth, boreholes can be installed with gas/groundwater monitoring and remediation wells depending on the project requirements.  Well diameters will depend on the techniques applied and the resulting borehole diameter.  We routinely install wells up to 125mm diameter using our standard rotary drilling techniques, with larger diameters possible depending on the geology.

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2025 Geotron UK Ltd.

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